"Not to oppose erroneous Doctrine is to approve of it, and not to defend at all true Doctrine is to suppress it."-Pope Innocent III.

"Wanting to reconcile the Faith with the modern spirit leads not only to a weakening of the Faith, but to its total ruin."-Pope St. Pius X

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Television: The Greatest Tool of the Freemasons

Television: The Freemason’s Greatest Achievement
By Skye Dolphin
Every guilty American knows that the more television he watches out of laziness or boredom, the more unhealthy he becomes. His brain begins to dull as his body begins to soften strangely, growing in size and blubber. However, how many viewers of television know the darker, more subtle effect of television: the complete corruption of the soul caused by spiritual apathy? The enemies of the Catholic Church, especially the Freemasons, have used the television to project messages of relaxed morality and anti-Catholicism.
Father Peter R. Scott of the SSPX clarifies why television viewing is dangerous:

It is equally obvious, and every traditional Catholic will admit it, that the regular watching of television for children is an occasion of sin, and this not just because of the obvious sins of impurity, but especially of materialism, concupiscence of the eyes, the loss of the Faith and the perversion of the mind by the parading of the false ideals of subjectivism and liberalism continually before the eyes of the young.

Many children have grown up on television. The television has replaced quality family time. When the child is unpleased with something in his environment, he cries, trying to gain the attention of his mother or father. In times before television, either the parents would scold him for his angry temper or would comfort him or maybe even play a game with him. However, in these most modern times, the parents will simply do the easy thing: they will set the child before the television screen, which instantly captures his attention and renders him senseless for as long as he is captivated by the bright, flashing images before him. The parents are satisfied; no work had to be done. The child is satisfied; whatever was bothering him before is completely forgotten.

As Father Scott has written, it is an occasion of sin to expose one’s self to the evil messages of the television. And to deliberately expose one’s self to an occasion of sin is actually a sin. So every time one watches the television, he is sinning. And if the occasion of sin is mortal, the viewing itself becomes a mortal sin. But the viewing of television is not only sinful because of the perverted ideals, the materialism, the liberalism and the subtle anti-Catholic messages; it is sinful because it is an addiction to laziness; it is no more than a poisonous drug, the opiate of the masses. The more one watches television, the more one begins to crave it more. When someone is watching television, he is watching millions of tiny, tiny images that a constantly flashing, so that his brain must put the images together to form one, unified image. In order to do this, the brain enters a state called the “alpha” state, in which the left side becomes completely inactive, in a zombie-like mode of consciousness. The left side of the brain is the logical, well-tempered, mathematical portion. Needless to say, television is probably the cause of today’s children’s inability to solve math problems without a calculator.
Because one needs not use his logical side of the brain while viewing television, he becomes incredibly relaxed and open to everything he hears and sees on the screen. He needs not do anything, he becomes no more than a beast, filling his belly, filling his mind with nothing but dust. He becomes completely passive, doing nothing but laying down, completely enthralled by what he is watching. In this state, any group (the government, the Freemasons, the Neo-Nazis) can inject into the world’s consciousness anything it wants to.
Watching the television dulls the mind and also opens the mind to sinful refuse such as immodesty and sexual abuses. The more and more one exposes himself to such negative views on Catholic morality, the more he begins to question his own morals and the more he becomes used to the evil morals of the world. He watches millions of women wearing tight jeans and low cut shirts and eventually begins to think this sinful style of dress is acceptable and commonplace. Women begin to think this way as well. They think that they must follow the trends of the modern era so that they will not “stick out” in a crowd or be the subject of someone’s ridicule. Soon enough, television has brainwashed every woman to wear immodest clothing because--it is simply the social rule.
Sex is also exploited on television. It seems that one cannot possibly watch a single sitcom these days without hearing a dirty reference to a sinful sexual relationship. “Typical teen fare contains heavy doses of sexual content, ranging from touching, kissing, jokes, and innuendo to conversations about sexual activity and portrayals of intercourse. Sex is often presented as a casual activity without risk or consequences. Conventional wisdom holds that the messages young viewers absorb from television promote sexual activity in this group” (Collins).
Marriage is also attacked fiercely. The role of the woman, as portrayed on most modern television shows, is that of either a single “mom,” the “boss” of the house or just a hard-working (outside of the house) wife. These women are considered heroes, no matter how morally relaxed they are. According to Saint Paul, a woman is not supposed to be a single “mom” or the head of the household, rather, she is to be meek and gentle, in submission to her husband at all times. “In like manner also let wives be subject to their
husbands: that if any believe not the word, they may be won without the word, by the conversation of the wives. Considering your chaste conversation with fear.”

Therefore, television should be eschewed by all Catholics. It is clearly an evil device that the Freemasons have manipulated to spread their evil values. Let us be the Church Militant, fighting ever valiantly against the evils of the world, including the most evil infection of modern times: the flashing box of sin!

1 comment:

  1. .....It is clearly an evil device that the Freemasons have manipulated to spread their evil values.......

    Only because us Catholics let the Freemasons out work us again....

    The children of Darkness far outwork the children of light....
